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(257/308) 1804 - SVNPlugin Project Properties URL field: editable but not really

I wanted to replace the URL in the Project Subversion settings so it would use the read only URL instead of the read/write one I am using when I invoke SVN from the command line.
The GUI lets me edit that field but changing it seems to have no effect.
If it's not really editable, the GUI shouldn't let me change anything in the field.

Submitted ezust - 2014-11-17 00:09:26.921000 Assigned daleanson
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group
Resolution None


2014-11-17 00:13:16.852000

- Description has changed:



--- old
+++ new
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
I wanted to replace the URL in the Project Subversion settings so it would use the read only URL instead of the read/write one I am using when I invoke SVN from the command line.
The GUI lets me edit that field but changing it seems to have no effect.
+If it's not really editable, the GUI shouldn't let me change anything in the field.


- **Group**: -->